Before I explain this poll, a quick update on the previous one:
Almost half of you came here through other blogs. So a big “Thanks!” to all you bloggers out there for supporting my blog.
The rest of you came here through other channels. It was surprising to see how few people arrived here via my Youtube videos. I guess they either aren’t good enough to entice people to come here or they’re not getting enough views to do that. I gladly choose to think the quality of the videos is OK and that it’s the latter. :-) Anyway, thanks for the feedback. It’ll help a lot in making my blog better and reaching a broader audience.
As for this one, here’s the thing:
I ran a newsletter but stopped about a year ago. I simply didn’t have the time and it became a struggle to put it together. The main problem was the software I had to use. It wasn’t all that great and cost a lot of time and follow-up to make it run the way I wanted it to. As my time is nowadays rather limited, that kind of software just doesn’t cut it for me.
However, I now have a solution for that so I figured I’d give it another go. But before I do so, I’d like some input from you all to decide what kind of content I should put in there. I obviously have some features already in mind but want to check if you are on the same page with me or not. So please vote in the poll at the top right corner of my widgets area here on my blog. You can select multiple entries, by the way.
If what you have in mind isn’t listed, let me know on my Facebook Page so I can follow up more easily.
Thanks for helping out!
Travis says
Hi Wim,
Just to let you know the poll isn’t letting me pick more then one choice from the iPad- not sure if that’s all around or ipad specific; I’ll try my main system later and let you know if it works.
Also, FYI, I was one of the ‘other blog’ people and i actualy went the other direction, from here to your youtube vids. IMHO, the YouTube videos are good but it’s more a matter of there being SO much crap on YouTube that it’s hard to find the good stuff. Personally I’ve kind of given up trying to find quality on YouTube and will usually only look for something that I already know about. Just my 2 cents, for what it’s worth.
Wim says
Thanks for the feedback Travis. I checked and the settings for the poll are good, so you should be able to vote multiple times. Maybe it’s a compatibility issue. I’ll look some more.
There is indeed much crap on Youtube, tons of it. So it’s normal to have my videos buried underneath it. But given the number of views some of them are getting, it was surprising to see how little people made it over here. So there’s a lesson for me there.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, much appreciated.
travis says
Yeah, voting works fine from my main system.
Dale Wetmore says
I use your website for ideas on what to teach in my self defense class. The entry on the Frankenstein drill, for example, was very helpful.
Wim says
Cool by me Dave. If you can find something useful in what I write here, then I’m more than happy.