Who are you?
My name is Wim Demeere and I’ve been been training and teach Martial Arts and Self Defense for about 30 years now. I live just outside of Brussels in Belgium and have fun writing books and making instructional videos. If you want to know more on my background, go here and click on “About”.
Why did you start this blog?
This blog is a reincarnation of a website I started in 1999. My goal back then was to do something on the Internet about martial arts. For a number of reasons, I stopped working on the site in 2006. But as of late 2008, I took up blogging and started transferring the content from the old site to this blog. At the same time, I started writing new content.
So what will you find here?
A lot of different things. Here’s a list of the most important topics I cover here:
- My thoughts on Martial arts and Self Defense
- Book and DVD reviews
- Free stuff: Sweepstakes, contests and prizes
- How-To guides
- Articles and interviews
- News about martial arts and self defense from all over the world
What’s the goal of this blog?
My goal is to provide you with information you can use to increase the effectiveness of your training. If a review here inspires you to buy a certain book or DVD and it helps you along in your training, then I’ve achieved that goal. The same goes for when an article or How-To guide gives you an idea to try out and it increases your skills, even if just a little.
But even in the opposite case, that’s still OK. You might totally disagree with something I wrote here and that’s perfectly fine. If whatever you think I’m wrong about made you re-think your own opinion, then it wasn’t in vain. The purpose of an argument is not to be right or wrong. The real value is in the exchange of ideas and re-examining both your own and the opposition’s ideas.
What can I do here?
A lot of things actually:
- Give feedback in the comments section. This blog is interactive, and you’re free to share your insights and experience.
- Subscribe to my newsletter. Once you enter your address, you need to confirm your subscription. Once you do, you’ll receive my newsletter automatically each time it comes out.
- Newsletter members receive perks: once you subscribe via-e-mail, you automatically enter all the sweepstakes and contests. I regularly do these as a way to repay loyal visitors to this blog.
- Join me on different social media. The links are at the bottom of the page.
- Every post has a “Share This” link at the bottom. This allows you to forward the post in a variety of ways (mail, social media, etc.) to your friends it you think they might be interested.
Thanks for stopping by!