I’ve been creating websites since 1999 and have kept certain principles as my guidelines. One of the most important ones is being transparent. In light of this, here’s my affiliate disclaimer:
In some of the pages and posts here, you will find affiliate links that send you to another website. These links earn me an affiliate commission if you purchase goods or services you find on that page.
My goal with this blog is to give you information at no charge at all. I write extensive articles, how-to guides, reviews and give you instructional videos, once again all for free. I believe this qualifies in demonstrating my goodwill towards you, the visitor. However, please understand I am doing this as a for-profit business and I believe there is nothing wrong with this. Unless you run a charity, you’re entitled to be compensated for your time and work. Instead of charging you directly, I chose to work with affiliate links. I believe this is a fair way for me to be compensated for everything I offer here at no charge.
My site has grown so big that it is nearly impossible to go over every single link that points to an affiliate program. As such, you should assume that when a link points you to products or services, this is an affiliate link that I will receive compensation from should you purchase. However, I only point to these products and services in an informational capacity, to illustrate what I am writing about in a post or page and as part of a review or announcement. When I use these affiliate links, it is always with the purpose of pointing you to relevant products and services. It is of course your own personal choice to purchase or not.
I regularly review products here and use affiliate links in those reviews as well. At no time have I received or will I receive free products, services or any other form of compensation in exchange for a positive review. Any product I review receives fair treatment: If I like it, I will say so. If I don’t, I’ll say so too and explain why. The companies and people who ask me to review their products know this full well: My integrity is not for sale.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me by using the contact page.