There’s a lot of controversy going on right now about the Danny Green Vs Paul Briggs fight. Not just because the fight is over in less than 30 seconds but mostly because of the way it ended. Check it out:
You can see a glancing blow to the top of his head right before he goes down. It doesn’t look like much and of course, the crowd disapproves. Danny Green isn’t all that happy about it either…
You now get all the claims that the match was fixed and Briggs took a fall just to get some easy money. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? That said, knocking somebody out is sometimes very weird. I once put down a sparring partner with a left hook from a clinch when I thought I had totally missed his face. I didn’t even feel any contact but he was suddenly on the floor, his eye swelling.
Another time, I just held out my fist as a beginning fighter was moving into range without keeping his guard up. I didn’t even strike him, my arm had stopped moving when he stepped into my fist with his face. He dropped unconscious, we took him to the hospital and they established he had a concussion. Go figure…
Other guys, I gave them my best shots and they kept on coming so it’s not always as easy as this. Life would be a lot easier otherwise. :-)
Here are some more examples:
Kimbo Slice vs. Seth Petruzelli:
Slice just walks into a jab and then he drops to the floor. The jab isn’t even all that powerful as Petruzelli is leaning back and standing on one leg as he fires it. But it seems to do the trick well enough.
Anderson Silva. vs. Forrest Griffin:
Another weird knock out. Silva is walking backwards and just flicks out his arm in a quick jab. There’s no structure to his blow, the body mechanics are terrible (no coach on earth would teach a fighter to throw a jab like this) and it looks like there’s no power in it. But you can clearly see how the lights go out for Forrest.
Speaking of weird KOs, how about this one:
This muay Thai fighter is so out of it, he doesn’t even realize he’s been counted out and is fighting the referee. I’ve seen a lot of weird things in the ring but this one is a first. :-)
Anything can and will happen in a ring or Octagon. People who have never fought there or never sparred full-bore sometimes just don’t understand what’s going on. Perhaps you have to knock somebody out or be knocked out to fully appreciate just how bizarre it can get.
Before you think it’s always this easy to KO somebody, check out this fight between Kyshenko and Masato from a K1 Max 2008 tournament:
This is a brawl from start to finish. But look at how Masato is almost out when Kyshenko lands the cross early in the second round. And then look at how he recovers. He takes some more full-power blows to the face and yet he keeps on going. More than that, he takes it to Artur and puts a hurting on him too. “Impressive” is the word that comes to mind.
Even more impressive is that this was his previous fight of the tournament, against Sato.
Same thing: a HUGE brawl and Masato is knocked down on the floor. Same answer, he gets up and charges in. Damn those torpedoes, straight ahead!
Everybody thought Kyshenko was going to eat him raw after the intensity of fighting Sato. Didn’t really work out that way…

Sometimes you get a really weird KO, one you really can’t believe when you look at the replay. At the other extreme, you get guys who just refuse to go down, despite taking a brutal pounding. There’s also a lot of middle ground between these two. So who knows what really happened with Paul Briggs? Could be a fixed match, could be a legitimate KO. I’ve seen weirder things happen in the ring and now so have you. :-)
Dave says
How about this knockdown :o
Wim says
Dave says
How about this knockdown :o
Wim says
garry Hodgins says
I believe the Kimbo Slice and Forrest Griffin k.o.s are authentic but I think Green’s k.o. of Briggs is definitive evidence for the reality of empty force! LOL.
garry Hodgins says
I believe the Kimbo Slice and Forrest Griffin k.o.s are authentic but I think Green’s k.o. of Briggs is definitive evidence for the reality of empty force! LOL.
Danny Young says
All you need is sufficient force to a key area that effects the Brain, causing the Brian to crash against the skull spurs to have a knockout. I have seen people knock themselves out by running into a fixed object, so it isn’t so hard to believe.
Blessings Always,
Danny Young says
All you need is sufficient force to a key area that effects the Brain, causing the Brian to crash against the skull spurs to have a knockout. I have seen people knock themselves out by running into a fixed object, so it isn’t so hard to believe.
Blessings Always,