We’re at episode 15 now and in this one, I interview Captain Jon Lupo of the New York State Police. I’ve known Jon for a long time and he’s a solid, stand-up guy. I wanted him on the show to let him share his experience in law enforcement with us all and ask some specific questions relating to self-defense and the law. I think you’ll enjoy it!

The reason this episode is a few days late is because I did a book launch last week and it took up all my time. You can get my Heavy Bag Training book again in paper and electronic version and now that this one is released again, I can get back to the regular podcast schedule.
That said, let’s start the show:
Show notes:
1. Updates:
- Republished my Heavy Bag book: http://www.wimdemeere.com/heavybag/
2. Doing the job:
- State Police: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_police_(United_States)
- Shelter Cove, zoom out until you find the nearest hospital or Sheriff’s station… https://goo.gl/maps/9oW5uDu6unT2
3. Self-Defense
- Violence analysis: https://www.patreon.com/wimdemeere/posts?tag=Violence%20Analysis
- Dutch professor, “None of this is intuitive”: https://youtu.be/NeXIV-wMVUk
- 1 year Patreon anniversary: https://www.wimsblog.com/2018/02/one-year-on-patreon-time-to-celebrate/
- 4 monkeys pic:
- “Modern Warfare: A French View of Counterinsurgency”: http://amzn.to/2IAjQxv
- The Paris attacks and what comes next: https://www.wimsblog.com/2015/11/the-paris-terrorist-attacks-connection-to-belgium/
- The Brussels attacks and what comes next for Belgium: https://www.wimsblog.com/2016/03/the-brussels-terrorist-attacks-and-what-comes-next-for-belgium/
- Dan Marcou, “The Calling: The Making of a Veteran Cop”: http://amzn.to/2G3nQrT
- Loren W. Christensen, “Crouching Tiger: Taming the Warrior Within”: http://amzn.to/2tXE3d2
- Loren W. Christensen, “Solo Training: The Martial Artist’s Home Training Guide”: http://amzn.to/2poqrly
- Loren W. Christensen and me, “Timing in the Fighting Arts: How to Win a Fight with Speed, Power, and Technique”: http://amzn.to/2pqjlNH
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tim boehlert says
I’ve ‘known’ Jon for a few years, and it’s great to see him getting some exposure with Wim. I met Jon on-line through my resources, Marc MacYoung, Rory Miller, Terry Trahan, Clint Overland – because of his career choice, and because of his location relative to mine.
This is the first time I’ve heard his voice, and I’m learning a lot about the depth of his knowledge and commitment to some mutually shared studies in MA and Combatives.
Jon’s experience is a very important and not so well understood or necessarily accessible component to any SD student, but it’s also very relative to any Security personnel in dealing with issues that may require LE response. Understanding the definition of assault, and other relative terminology that we need to be knowledgeable in may prevent many un-needed episodes that can either be avoided or circumvented through better understanding.
We all need to understand the laws better and more completely than most, especially when it comes to use of force issues.
Jon touched on a lot of important aspects of coming into contact with LE and it comes at a time when people really need to better understand their job and purpose. “Everybody lies.” :)