Last month, I published my “Stretching and Mobility Exercises for Martial Arts and Self-Defense” instructional video and promised to do an additional video for the resources page. It took a while due to technical problems, but here it is, my review of the Hyperice Viper 2.0 and how to use it as a martial artist or self-defense practitioner. The first part explains the basics and theory. The practical demonstration starts at 11min.25sec.
Here goes:
I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the Vyper is worth every cent for me, and not just when it comes to mobility. It’s not cheap, but it has done so much for my recovery that it’s hard to put into words. I still use it every day, usually twice a day.
There are knock-off products available at a much lower price point. I haven’t tried any of those, but in my experience, there is often a reason why they are cheaper: lower quality. If you are feeling adventurous, feel free to give those a try. I prefer to save up a bit longer and then invest in long-term quality.
Go here to get your Hyperice Viper 2.0
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