Before I explain, it’s easier if you read MMA against multiple opponents, part three first.
And also the two previous entries in this series.
People have misunderstood and misquoted me on these posts for a long time. It almost seems like you’re not allowed to have a nuanced discussion anymore. Newsflash: the world is not black and white. Neither is fighting. So to be clear: MMA against multiple opponents isn’t worthless. But it’s also not the perfect solution for the problem. Shades of grey, not black and white.
Personally, I love MMA. I think it’s an awesome sport and if I were 18 right now, that’s what I’d be competing in. Those days are over for me so I can’t but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the sport. On the contrary. But that also doesn’t mean I drank the Kool-Aid and think MMA is the most awesomeness-fighting-zystum-EVEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!
I’m 38 as I write this. I started training when I was 13. That means I just missed the kung fu craze, enjoyed the ninjutsu craze when it hit, was there when silat was picked up and also saw MMA rise and come into the spotlight. That’s just the way the MA world works: every ten years or so, something “new” comes along and the audience thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread. This is not just in MA’s by the way. You see it in any field and with all products.
Case in point: [Read more…]