I’f you can see this page, you received notification from me that I am doing a special discount on numerous books and videos. You can see the old prices and new ones here below. Don’t delay as these discounts will be gone in less than 24h…
The Fighter’s Guide To Hard-Core Heavy Bag Training:
$5.99 => $3.99
Martial Arts, Self-Defense and a Whole Lot More: The Best of Wim’s Blog, Volume:
$3.99 => $2.99
The Leg Kick: Your Ultimate Guide to Using The Leg Kick for Mixed Martial Art:
$4.99 => $3.99
Basic Self-Defense 1: Controlling Techniques:
$14.99 =>$10.99
Stretching and Mobility Exercises for Martial Arts and Self-Defense:
$19.99 => $14.99
Hardcore Heavy Bag Training:
$24.99 => $19.99
$19.99 => $14.99
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