This weekend, I received a nice e-mail from a LEO about his defensive tactics program. At his request, I used initials instead of his name (can’t be too careful with liability issues these days.) Here’s what he wrote:
Just finished my department’s defensive tactics program today, including some takedowns. Per your heavy bag video, I’ve been practicing my sweeps full-force on the bag for the past month or two. I only got to do two reps because of time constraints, but I blasted a huge shorter guy to the floor each time. This is without having actually swept a person in six months. No joke, those methods work.
Thanks again for making the video and answering my various questions.
That’s just wicked cool. It’s always great to hear stories like this, it makes all the hard work worthwhile.
All over the world, LEOs don’t get enough training time for their defensive tactics program. So they have to supplement with solo training or find a buddy to practice. I can’t help with the latter but a lot of my books and videos focus on solo training. So I’m real happy to hear The Fighter’s Video Guide to Hard-Core Heavy Bag Training helped him a little bit.
Here’s hoping he gets to go home safely to his loved ones after every shift.
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