It’s been a while since my last Patreon update, so here’s another one for August through October. I also have a special offer which I think you might enjoy. I’ll explain that first:
Sinterklaas is a tradition here in Belgium, similar to Santa Claus. It’s mostly geared towards children, but that doesn’t stop many adults from adhering to it as well. In short, if you’ve been good during the year, you receive a gift from a saintly figure. If you’ve been bad, you get spanked by his companion.
All my Patrons have been pretty awesome, so I felt like giving them something and I’m extending this offer to everybody who joins us:
All my current Patrons and all who join before December 7th 6PM CET, will receive a 60+ min. video on stretching and mobility for martial arts and self-defense.
The video covers my personal full-body stretching routine, geared toward injury prevention and countering the side effects of intensive martial arts training. I’ll explain some of the basic principles for increasing flexibility and mobility, as well as show a large number of exercises that you rarely learn in martial arts classes. These are the ones I, as a personal trainer, use with my clients every day, so they are all functional and effective.
It doesn’t matter at which level you join, everybody gets the video, as long as you do so before the deadline.
This is a one-time offer. On December 7th, it ends and doesn’t come back.
Another benefit you can get if you’re fast, is this:
There are 10 spots left to become one of the Founding Fifty, which offers special perks for as long as you are a Patron. Once we hit 50 Patrons, that benefit closes forever.

My Patreon page is in essence a membership site where I post unique content. There is now over 31 hours of unique video content available and this library grows by about 75 minutes every month. This excludes the monthly 1-hour Livestream hangout we do in our private Facebook group. Those videos are available to re-watch as soon as we end the livestream. You get full access immediately after joining, so get a cup of coffee and dive in. :-)
Here’s an overview of all the posts from August, September and also October. Just scroll down the page to see everything.
For a quick visual representation, here are all the videos per category. Click on the text link or the image to see all the videos in each category:
I’m having tons of fun creating all this content and there’s lots more to come. If you want to join us there and support my blog and podcast, head on over here and sign up at whatever reward tier works for you.
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